Modern contact lens regimes, particularly when lenses are frequently replaced, are generally very safe. However, you will need to attend routine aftercare appointments to ensure that the lenses continue to fit you properly, that they are in good condition and that your eyes are healthy. These visits are important as contact lenses can cause problems to your eyes that you may not initially notice.
GOC reinforces importance of contact lens care
Contact lens trials are free of
charge if not successful*
Wearing contact lenses safely requires your commitment to following our instructions on cleaning and disinfecting. Please never change your cleaning system without seeking our advice.
Complications from lenses are rare if you follow all the instructions given. Remember, if you get any redness or discomfort always remove the lenses and seek our advice. Please do not hesitate to contact us about any problems, however small. We are always happy to help and advise.
*there may be a charge for an eye examination. Following a successful fitting, there will be a fitting fee to cover the time. This fee is reduced if you join EyeLife
Currently only available for under 18s