If you are a new low vision patient to BBR Optometry, we will need to ensure we have all necessary information about your eyes, vision and circumstances.
If you have had an up-to-date optometric examination (Sight Test) within the last 6 months we will not need to re-examine you. A recent hospital or ophthalmology examination is not the same thing.
Please ask your Optometrist for a referral which includes the Sight Test details including visual acuity and diagnosis. This is not usually visible on your prescription.
Once we have received the referral, we will be able to arrange an appointment.
If you have not had a recent Sight Test (within 6 months) with an Optometrist, we will need to conduct this prior to any low vision assessment. As this will need to include extended examination components such as dilation and imaging there may be a charge for this as it falls outside the scope of the NHS Sight Test. We will be unable to conduct an eye examination and low vision assessment on the same day because your vision may be temporarily blurred as a result of dilation.
Please download the large print low vision questionnaire here and complete to bring with you to the appointment